KP Sharma Oli | Biography, Age (2024), Education, Wife, Properties, Family, Children, Facts, & More.

kp sharma oli biography

About Kp Sharma Oli

KP Sharma Oli is a Nepali politician. his real full name is Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli. his political party name is “Nepal Communist Party (NCP). he was born on February 22, 1952, Terathum district of Nepal. currently, he lives in Baluwatar, Kathmandu. but his actual home is in Balkot, Bhaktapur district of Nepal.

As of 2023, KP Sharma Oli is 71 years old with around 5 feet and 6 inches tall in height.

Family Background

He was born to Mohan Prasad Oli (father)and Madhumaya Oli (mother). he is the eldest son of his parents. he lost his mother at the age of four. he has one sister named “Bishnu Devi Siwakoti”.

Biography & Wiki Quick Summary

NameKhadga Prasad Sharma Oli
Chairman ofThe Nepal Communist Party
Prime ministerHe is the 38th prime minister of Nepal
Date of birthFebruary 22, 1952
Age71 years (2023)
Political PartiesNepal Communist Patry
WifeRadhika Shakya
FatherMohan Prasad Oli
MotherMadhumaya Oli
Lives inBalkot, Bhaktapur
Born atTerathum
SonHe was the eldest son
School Himalaya Higher Secondary School
SalaryAround 80 thousand Per month
Sister Bishnu Devi Siwakoti
Political Career Started 1966 A.D
Education qualification8th class
Childhood name
SportsHe love to play footbal.
Hobby or Intresthe liked writing nationalistic poems
Height 5 feet 6 inches
Migrated to jhapaHe migrated to Jhapa district with his father after his mother's death.
Step motherHe has one younger brother and three younger sisters.
Greatest InfluencerHis Grand Mother
Net worthRoughly 1 crores
PropertiesRemaining land and houses are owned by his wife Radhika Shakya.

Relationship & Education

KP Sharma met his wife Radhika Shakya during party activities. and after some years they got married.

Talking about educational qualifications, Oli just completed the 8th class of primary school education at Himalaya Secondary School, Jhapa. and at the age of 12, he left school.

Net worth (2023)

As of 2023, Oli’s total net worth is estimated to be roughly between 80 lacks to 1 crore. most of the land and houses are owned by his wife Radhika Shakya.

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KP Sharma’s official social sites

Kp Oli official Facebook Page

Kp Oli’s official Twitter Account